Summary of decisions made by the Technical Advisory Board of EAWS during the meeting in Munich (09 – 10 November 2016)
Organisational remark: From now on the working group calls itself the Technical Advisory Board (TAB). The TAB consists of several working groups tackling the topics given to the TAB by the General Assembly (GA) of EAWS. 14 participants of the TAB from 9 services have gathered in November 2015 and 23 participants of the TAB from 12 services have gathered in May 2016 in Munich. The goal is to prepare as efficiently as possible the decisions to be made by the forthcoming General Assembly to be held in Munich in mid-2017.
The TAB focuses its work on the three main items specified by the General Assembly in Rome in June 2015. At this stage, the TAB makes general recommendations on the orientation of the work, which are shared at this stage with the entire members of the EAWS for information and potential feedback. More information can be obtained from TAB members, under the coordination of Igor Chiambretti the TAB coordinator.
For more information, see: Summary of EAWS TAB-Meeting, November 2016